Happy Holidays, ya’ old building and loan! It’s the time of year to bust out the Jimmy Stewart impressions, mix in a bit of Randy Savage because it’s all pizza, and fire up your favorite Christmas classics. And by Christmas classics we mean horror movies, of course.
Yes, it’s the gift that keeps giving… the Monster of the Week segment! We gathered the whole Grawlix Podcast and Grawlix Cinematic Universe crew around the smoldering yule log that is 2020 to discuss Holiday horror movies. It just seemed appropriate.
Melanie and Randy tag team a double feature of Black Christmas. Melanie first discusses the original 1974 proto-slasher before Randy gets out-SJW-ed by the 2019 “remake”. Jesse brings some levity with the 80s Christmas comedy classic Ernest Saves Christmas. Jasper follows up with a stocking stuffed with ultra-camp in the over-the-top horror comedy Santa’s Slay starring Bill Goldberg.
Finally, we stick a bow on the evening with a game! Randy finds the most ridiculous reviews of holiday classics from Letterboxd.com users for a few rounds of “guess the movie by the review.” Yeah, that’s a totally original, never before heard of game… we swear. Enjoy!
Originally streamed live December 17th, 2020 via Facebook Live, Twitch, and YouTube.
Show Notes
00:00 – Intro/Greetings
09:20 – Black Christmas (1974)
21:28 – Black Christmas (2019)
46:04 – Ernest Saves Christmas
56:11 – Santa’s Slay (2005)
1:05:04 – Guess the Christmas Movie Game
1:50:48 – #SnyderWatch
1:52:37 – Aren’t You Amazed?
Black Christmas (1974)
Melanie – 3 Stars
Black Christmas (2019)
Randy – 0.5 Stars
Ernest Saves Christmas (1988)
Jesse – 3.5 Stars
Santa’s Slay (2005)
Jasper – 3 Stars
Don’t forget to check out our regular podcasts, The Grawlix Podcast and Grawlix Cinematic Universe.

Now streaming on YouTube, Facebook, and twitch