In a future where the line between reality and fantasy, man and machine are blurred… no one seems to know what is really going on. Do androids dream of Martian mutants? On this Rekall journey two nerds discuss Blade Runner: The Final Cut and Total Recall (1990) before pitching several different cuts of a Philip K. Dick-averse!

Show Notes

00:00 – Intro/Greetings
03:40 – Blade Runner: The Final Cut (1982)
29:28 – Total Recall (1990)
46:30 – Blade Runner / Total Recall Cinematic Universe


Blade Runner (1982)

Randy - 4 Stars

Jasper - 3.5 Stars

Total Recall (1990)

Randy - 4 Stars

Jasper - 3 Stars

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Veiko

    Did you guys know that an old series by the name of “Total Recall 2070” actually merges the Total Recall and Blade Runner universe in it’s own way.

    1. Randal Silvey

      WHAAT!? No, I didn’t know that! Looking it up now and wow, how did I NOT know? I smell as special GCU episode coming up.

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