In this installment of The Grawlix Podcast Jesse brings us a “Con Review” with his experiences at the Planet Comicon 2014 in Kansas City.  We discuss a few recent reads including indie title The Anywhere Man, Moonknight #1, Serenity, the final issue of Animal Man, and we return to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles once again.  Finally we wrap the episode up with a lengthy discussion of Batman: Death of the Family in our first ‘Poll List’ segment.  In fact, the discussion went on so long that we ran out of time for the other three planed segments!

Show Notes and Links

00:00:00 – Intro
Con Review
00:00:38 – Planet Comicon 2014, Kansas City
Recent Reads
00:37:01 – The Anywhere Man [RECOMMENDED READ] Creators: Jeff Lawler & Tim Mayer
00:43:09 – Moon Knight #1
00:49:19 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Samurai Jack
00:52:41 – Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #1
00:53:44 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Utrom Empire
00:59:46 – Animal Man #29
Poll List
01:03:27 – Batman: Death of the Family
01:52:14 – Outro

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