On this episode the whole G-Crew discuss the Marvel Netflix series The Defenders. A Letters Page question also prompts another visit to our comic book and podcast origins. Enjoy!


Show Notes and Links

00:00:00 – Intro/Greetings
00:04:23 – This Episode’s Topics
00:06:52 – 80s Sci-Fi Music Contest via Game of Bands Subreddit (No win for Randy.)
00:11:14 – A Comic Book Podcast?
00:16:41 – Marvel’s The Defenders Netflix Series Review
LETTERS PAGE (Contact Us Here)
01:06:03 – Twitter Question from @SuperiorComic16
01:08:41 – Our comic book and podcast origin story.
01:23:30 – Outro

Links Mentioned
Randy’s Game of Bands Subreddit Music Submission

The Grawlix Podcast Links
Patreon  |  RSS Feed  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram
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