Here is a roundup of our June podcast episodes! This month was Infinity month for The Grawlix Podcast with extensive discussions on Avengers: Infinity War and The Infinity Gauntlet. Over on the Grawlix Cinematic Universe this month was all about horror and comedy. First with a John Carpenter double feature of The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China. Then on GCU #7 it’s a Joss Whedon double feature with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Cabin in the Woods. The cinematic universe pitches are all insane this month!
[loop type=post category=podcast after=2018-6-1 before_2=2018-6-30 order=ASC]
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[if category=gcu][field title-link][else]Grawlix Podcast [field title][/if]
[field date]
[field excerpt]
[if taxonomy=comicmentioned]Comic(s) mentioned:[/if][for each=comicmentioned]
- [-loop type=comic taxonomy=comicmentioned][field title-link][/-loop]
[/for][if taxonomy=movie_mentioned]Movie(s) mentioned:[/if][for each=movie_mentioned]
- [-loop type=movie taxonomy=movie_mentioned][field title-link][/-loop]