It’s another Poll List review AND interview episode! First, we review the indie comic Blood Realm by Robert Geronimo, published by Alterna Comics. Then Randy speaks with comic creator Caleb Thusat about his WWII ghost story Nook, running his 9th Kickstarter, and more.

More about our guest… Caleb Thusat is an indie filmmaker turned comic book creator.  He is the creator and writer of Alter-Life, ZED, and Nook. He has run 8 successful comic book Kickstarter campaigns to date, raising over $45,000.

Show Notes


[skipto time=”00:00″] – Intro/Greetings
[skipto time=”2:54″] – What’s a Poll List? Next Poll List Pick: Outcast


[skipto time=”5:55″] – Blood Realm #1-3


[skipto time=”36:28″] – Interview with Caleb Thusat


[skipto time=”1:08:50″] – In-House News
[skipto time=”1:11:08″] – Outro

Links Mentioned

Caleb Thusat’s Website

Caleb Thusat on Twitter

Nook Kickstarter

Blood Realm on

O Con Expo 2019

Grand Comic Con

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